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Who is Generation Europa
The non-profit association „Generation Europa“ was established in summer 2010. Its main aim is to offer people in Europe an institutional framework for realizing projects concerning various aspects of society
The basic idea of the platform is the promotion of societal potential, against the background of a new understanding of identity. For many people in Europe and around the world the concept of national states is not sufficient and fitting anymore which demands the prioritization of common values and individual qualities of each human being. Mobility, cultural diversity and lingual pluralism are perceived not as barriers or problems but instead as a basis and wealth of a new generation. This new understanding offers new chances for active co-determination in society.
Corresponding with the associations statutes the associations activities can be either of scientific (organization of and participation in international conferences and researches) or practical nature as well as cultural (photo-competitions, exhibitions, internet-platforms, festivals etc.).
We invite you to join us in our mission to promote creative potential and to develop new concepts for our society! Lets celebrate ideas together!
What is Generation Europa doing?
We are Project-Managers, we make, write and host Projekts. Some are Funded like Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps.
The last Projects we made
The Blue Whale
Education Center
Our clubhouse is located in the Blue Whale Education Center.
This is where all of our projects take place
Coming in June 2022!
Erasmus Projects
Generation Europe is Hosting and Organizing Erasmus Project over the last 10 Years! Wolfgang Sieberth, the CEO, is an Expert in filling in Application Forms as well as the Logistics behind all projects.
Erasmus Projects exist to develop yourself and other to a new Level. They are created to discuss specific tasks, jobs and your own Interest. The Goal of every Project is that you learn something to bring home to your Organization, your Home, your Area
Solidarity Corps
The European Solidarity Corps is a long-Term Volunteering project. You can go abroad up to 12 Month and work with an Organization of your Own Choice. Generation Europe is sending people since a long Time. Our Goal is to host from Authem 2022 our Own Volunteers in the Blue Whale Education Center.