Training Course
Ivancice, Czech Republic
14 – 22 March 2024
The aim of the project “All Colors of Education” is to raise awareness and develop the competence of young people, youth workers, educators, trainers, teachers and creative people, in visual thinking tools, visual education, visual learning tools and graphic facilitation, in order to empower and raise the effectiveness and quality of educational and process and learning.
The idea developed based on the project Go Visual outcomes and follow-up project results.
The training course is open for educators – trainers,
teachers, facilitators, youth workers, youth leaders.
Criteria for selection
- 18+
- Fluent in English
- Truthful engagement and motivation to study the theme of the project, willingness to share individual and professional knowledge, and to learn in the international group
- Participation in all the stages of LTTC
- Distinct ideas for follow up at local/national and international level
- Some acquaintance in the theme of youth empowerment and great motivation to look into this theme
- Openness for and the gratitude of non-formal learning approach in excessive diversity structure
- Commitment to go through the whole long- term learning process
- Excessive commitment for follow up activities and networking
Application Deadline: 05/03/2024