The non-profit association Generation Europa was founded in summer 2010 with the aim of offering Europeans an institutional framework for the implementation of socially relevant project work.
The platform's guiding principle is to promote social potential against the backdrop of a new understanding of identity. For many global citizens, the focus is no longer on belonging to a nation state, but on shared values and the
individual qualities of the individual. Mobility, cultural diversity and multilingualism are not perceived as barriers or problems, but rather as the basis and wealth of a new generation. It is this new self-image that offers entirely
new opportunities for actively shaping society.
Corresponding with the associations statutes the associations activities can be either of scientific (organization of and participation in international conferences and researches) or practical nature as well as cultural (photo-competitions,
exhibitions, internet-platforms, festivals etc.).
We invite you to join us in our mission to promote creative potential and to develop new concepts for our society! Lets celebrate ideas together!