
Recogniton Matters

We do what we do, because we love it, because we are good at it and because its the right thing to do. Now and then, others let us know. Here is what others think about our work.

Crowdfunding Success 2017

We are happy to have achieved a crowdfunding campaign. We have reached over 200% of our funding goal within two weeks of our campaign. Together with the Youth Center in Perg, Magdalena, Philipp, Abas, Verena, Jean and Wolfgang we have
been able to publish the Global Youth Calendar 2017 with a crowdfunding campaign.

Austrian Youth Award 2016

In 2016, Generation Europa was awarded the Austrian Youth Award Recnition in the category International Youth Projects. Specifically the project “Jump in!” with our Jordanian partner was awarded for outstanding quality and achievement.
This project is a major element of our cooperation between regions and continents.

European Youth Award 2015

Generation Europa was awarded the European Youth Award in 2015 for outstanding quality in implementing an Eramsus+ funded project. Specificaly the project “Local Democracy in a Changing World” was chosen as a best practice model in the category Training and Networking of Youth Workers to support Youth Empowerment. Wolfgang Sieberth together with Igor Novitski, representing our partner from Krasnodar/Russia, attended the award ceremony in Brussels.